Friday, August 15, 2008

Ok so some comebacks and some general ranting

Ok so here we are in the year 2008 and the olympics are on. These only happen every four years (well every two years if you count the winter but who does?) so , I was watching the olympics last saturday or sunday I don't really know which and then the AFL comes on . THE AFL yes you heard me THE AFL comes on so I'm stuck watching some guys play a sport that nobody even likes in NSW. Oh well its cool. Ok now to the important part Sean, yes i know its the most important he's ever felt but what i find most humourous about this morbidly obese man is that he contradicts himself SO very much. Lets have a snippet of his latest blog which was paying ME out about MY bad grammer and spelling:" WTF, who do u think u are paying out my blog, especially u jack, it great to c that you have the ego to insult some1 elses blog when urs suxs epic shit, lets have a looksie at urs shall we..." And thats is so i think we shall start the bidding at $1000 who can understand THEN actually agree with what the hugely overweight boy is saying? Also another thing that is funny about this massively rotund child is that he thinks that 1.People actually are reading his blog and 2. That the people who actually read his blog really CARE about what this whinging fat kid has to say. Also, quite a few people have been doubing how much I know. I know that quite a few people hate me and what your saying isn't a comeback lets have an example i said something that Jack Measures took offence to today and his reply was "you know willy not as many people like you as you think" so i was FLABBERGASTED so i asked whom doesnt like me and he replyed with himself and Liam BB so yes the two biggest wankers (i mean that in the literal sence) hate me . Ok thats about (or should i say aboot?) it for this post. Once again readers same Jack Time same Jack Channel tune in next time for more.

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